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How to Remove Hair from Legs

To get better results and greater benefits when it comes to shaving the legs, it is convenient that we choose to use quality ingredients to make our homemade wax. For aesthetic reasons most women seek to keep their legs shaved, soft and free of imperfections.

Although the appearance of body hair is part of the nature of all human beings, it has long been considered unsightly in these areas of the body. Fortunately, many hair removal methods have been designed to remove these small hairs to improve the appearance of the skin.

The problem is that some cause unwanted side effects or, failing that, make it come back very quickly and thicker. Due to this many are looking for alternative solutions to accomplish the same task without irritating or causing alterations in the skin.

Among these we find a wax for the legs, made with 100% natural ingredients and whose properties provide wonderful benefits. Then we tell you what it is and how you can prepare it at home to start using it.


Since it is a sticky preparation, its application removes the hair from the roots and leaves a smooth appearance that lasts up to two weeks. It is much cheaper than the wax used in professional aesthetic centers and, in fact, those who have tried it say it is less painful.

It can remove even the shortest hair and thanks to its exfoliating qualities favors the elimination of dead skin and dark spots. The natural method to remove hairs from legs that appear on the legs is obtained from a combination of organic honey with traditional sugar. Its high concentration of antioxidants promotes cell regeneration and helps to keep the skin young.

By not carrying artificial substances or chemical additives, we ensure greater protection in the most sensitive skins. The moisturizing compounds of honey easily penetrate the skin, creating a protective barrier against aggressions and the natural loss of oils. 

How to prepare this natural wax to remove hair from legs?

Although the economic and processed presentations can give good results, they do not provide the same properties from the nutritional point of view. To prepare this natural wax against the remove hairs from legs we will use 100% organic honey, in order to enjoy its qualities on the skin. Make sure you buy ingredients of the best quality to be more satisfied with the results of this depilatory method.

Ingredients to remove hair from legs
  • 6 tablespoons of water (60 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey (50 g)
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 g)

Instructions - how to remove hair from legs?

  • Put the sugar in a pot, moisten it with water and heat it over low heat for 8 or 10 minutes.
  • After obtaining syrup, add the organic honey and continue stirring for 3 or 4 minutes more.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on the mix, since sugar tends to burn easily.
  • Shake the contents well and, when it acquires a golden color, remove it and let it rest another  minutes.
  • Before the pasta cools, pour it into a glass jar with an airtight lid.
  • In the refrigerator it can last up to 30 days; however, since it tends to solidify, it is necessary to warm it to a water bath before each use.
Application mode

In normal skin, it is advisable to exfoliate before performing hair removal.

On the other hand, if the skin is too sensitive it is recommended to use a little talcum powder so that the product does not adhere too much.

Clean and dry the legs so that there are no problems when extending the preparation.

Next, rub your hands with almond oil and take the amount of wax needed to pluck.

Make sure to apply it in the opposite direction to hair growth, covering it with a thin and even layer.

Wait until it dries on the skin, or use a thin cloth to remove it as in the traditional way.

If you decide to wait, the paste will harden and you can give it a pull in the direction of hair growth.

Repeat the same procedure with the other leg and do not forget to apply aloe vera gel to refresh.

If you have remnants of wax you can wash them with warm water.

Have you ever tried an alternative depilatory method? Now that you know this for your legs do not hesitate to try it at home.

You will love the results!

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