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How To Know How Pregnant You Are

If you have a suspicion of being pregnant these simple home tests will get you out of doubt immediately. Do not wait any longer and do them!

7 SUPER effective and homemade methods How To Know How Pregnant You Are, without spending money on a test.

Before the first lack of our period, the first thing we think is "will I be pregnant?". While there are many other factors that can influence the lack or irregularity of the menstrual period, such as stress and some medical conditions, women who want to become pregnant will feel anxious to confirm it. On the other hand, if you still do not want to have a baby, you will also want to know if you are pregnant or not. Home tests can help you when you can not wait any longer, and you want to get rid of the "already" doubt.

What is the scientific basis of home pregnancy tests?

In all pregnancy tests, what is sought is the presence of the "pregnancy hormone" called "human chorionic gonadotropin", which is excreted with urine. This hormone is released when a woman is expecting a baby, and it is the amount of it in the urine, which determines whether she is pregnant or not.

Before doing the tests about how to know how pregnant you are

Do not forget that you are using home methods and the results will depend on the materials you use and the way you carry out the tests. For example, in tests that are done with urine, it is always recommended to use the first urine in the morning for greater accuracy. On the other hand, if you are going to use any of these tests you should always consult with the doctor.

Here you will see 7 home pregnancy tests that you can do at home without any risk. Of course, remember to visit a doctor later to confirm your pregnancy through blood tests and other checkups.

1.Orina in glass jar

How To Know How Pregnant You Are

In this test, you will have to urinate in a glass bottle, which must be completely dry and clean. Cover it and leave it in the refrigerator overnight, or at least a few hours until it cools. If a white foam has formed on the surface then you are pregnant. There are women who describe the foam as "particles", since it does not become a foam as such, but it does look like a series of white particles. If that foam or particles go to the bottom the result is negative.

Do you have chlorine, or toothpaste, or sugar, or oil? If you suspect that you are pregnant with only one of these items that we all have at home you will be able to know it NOW!

2. Oil

It involves placing a splash of oil in a jar with your urine. If when you pour the oil the drops start to come together and melt forming just one "big drop" it means you're pregnant. On the contrary, if the oil is divided into small drops the result will be negative.

3. Sugar
Very similar to the previous test, but with sugar. Place three large spoons of sugar in a container. Now, you pee on sugar and you notice what happens. If the sugar dissolves, the result is negative, but if blocks or lumps are formed, you are pregnant.

4. Chlorine

How To Know How Pregnant You Are

Very cautiously, you should place chlorine in a perfectly clean container free of any other substance. When the urine and the chlorine melt is when you will know the results: if the mixture of urine and chlorine is barely altered or produces very small changes in color and consistency, then you are not pregnant. The result is positive when the chlorine reacts and the mixture starts to act as an effervescence or foam.

5. Vinegar

How To Know How Pregnant You Are

It is one of the most common and easy to do home tests since there is never a lack of vinegar in the home. With the first urine in the morning, and in a clean jar, you should add a tablespoon of vinegar and let stand 20 minutes without shaking. If after that time a foam formed and the mixture changed color then there is pregnancy. If, on the other hand, there is no change in density and coloration, then it is negative.

6. Dandelion leaves
It involves placing in a container some leaves of the herb called dandelion, which can be obtained in any herbalist's shop. The leaves should not be exposed to sunlight because the results may be altered. Then place urine on the leaves covering them completely so that they are completely submerged. Let stand 10 minutes. If the coloring of the leaves changed and reddish spots appear on the leaves, it is because the result is positive.

7. Toothpaste

For this test you will need to place some toothpaste on a clean plate. On the toothpaste add a few drops of urine. If after a few minutes the pasta reacts, that is, begins to make some foam or bubble, and may even turn bluish, then you are pregnant. If nothing happens and the pasta remains the same there is no pregnancy.

These home tests were done years ago and many of them were done by our grandmothers, when it was not so easy or quick to know if a woman was pregnant. Beyond the results of these tests, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms that your body shows. Many times, pregnancy symptoms are the best test. I knew I was pregnant, for example, when I was still breastfeeding my first daughter and in doing so my nipples hurt; There I realized without hesitation that I was waiting for another baby. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor as soon as possible to do all the relevant tests and thus corroborate if the result is positive or not.

What other home pregnancy tests do you know?

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